Thursday, July 29, 2010


In my last post, I mentioned a person I prayed for at work. He had a cyst in his shoulder that made it feel tight and in pain. When I prayed for him, he said he felt intense heat come off of my hand. The pain decreased and the shoulder loosened up.

Since then, I've been able to pray for him one more time. This time, I commanded the shoulder to loosen, and right away he said it was different. He's told me it feels 90% better! God is good!

Then, I have another friend that has had persistent new daily headaches for over a year now. Every moment of every day his head hurts. I've been praying for him every day since Sunday. It hasn't broke yet, but it will. God is good, Jesus has ALL authority and satan has none. It MUST bow.

Last night, I went to the movies and walked past two people with limps. Not good! But a day is coming when that won't happen anymore.



I've updated the "simple church" page, and the "how to heal the sick" page. On the "simple church" page I put a Google Map. On the map are other simple churches. The idea is to connect folks of like-mind when it comes to this healing stuff, and have them put their simple churches on the map. Then, other folks who are interested in learning more or getting plugged in to a simple church can just look on the map and connect with one that meets near them.

It's got a long ways to go, but this stuff is overtaking the world.

You're blessed!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday gathering // Plaza

Last Thursday, JD, Ashley, and I went over to a local gathering (simple church) just down the road. The two folks that basically make it happen are named Doug and Michelle. They are awesome! In total, there were about 15 kids there and it was very obvious that Doug and Michelle were like a big spiritual Mama and Papa to them. It was awesome to see how they nurtured the Body of Christ in that way.

JD brought over Furious Love, and we watched that. While the movie was playing, I was silently talking to God, wondering what to do after the film. As far as I knew, nobody in the group had ever had any exposure to the Kingdom-stuff. So I knew their reactions would be interesting...

After the film, one of the girls approached Doug and said something of the effect that she felt like they should all pray. I took this as an opportunity and told Doug that we regularly see people healed and God show up and perform miracles, and that we could do that tonight. I was beginning to ask Doug if he'd be okay with that, and one of the girls in the group (Doug's daughter) approached me and asked about us doing the miracle-stuff. Before she could get another sentence out of her mouth, she began to cry and said that she had been doubting God.

I knew at that moment we had entered into something divine. JD asked her to sit in a chair so we could all lay hands on her and pray. As we prayed, Ashley began to prophesy over her. I don't remember it all, but Ashley said that God thought she was adorable, and loved her creativity, and Ashley could see her painting and Jesus helping her. The girl began to cry harder and said that she was just painting the night before! Boom, Ashley nailed it!

After that, I figured we could just ask God to grow a leg out so everyone could watch and be encouraged. I asked if anyone had back problems and guess who did... yup, the girl. We checked her legs and one was about an inch and a half short - she had bad scoliosis. We prayed, and God grew it out (thank You Papa!).

After that, Michelle took her into the bathroom and they checked her spine. She said it was waaay different.

Praise God! He's so good! He'll just show up and love on anybody. It's so amazing. Time after time God is faithful.


That was last Thursday. Yesterday, I prayed for a friend at work, and God grew his leg out and healed his shoulder (he had a cyst or something in it). He said he felt intense heat coming off of my hand.


Today, Nick Smith (met him at the DHT in Arkansas, he's the founder of Lyfestyle Ministries) was in town for a conference at IHOP-KC. He came by, picked me up, and we headed over to the Plaza to pray for some peeps - yay for Christian recreation! We went over to the Tennis Courts and just started making rounds. We saw about 5-6 legs grow out, and many people with pain had a slight decrease. Not sure why the pain didn't just break off of people.

I don't understand why we have results sometimes and other times we don't. Today, we prayed for probably 15 - 20 people, and all we really saw healed were the 6 legs. Now, I'm very, very, grateful for what we did see. I mean, it's supernatural to the bone! However, Jesus is the standard and I want to be like Him. He healed them all instantly! I'm still pressing in on this and wrestling this out.

Either way, Nick and I, frustrated, decided to regroup. We decided we were just going to walk around and love on folks. Instead of asking if they had any pain and walking away if they didn't, we were just going to see if people needed prayer in general. The first guy we asked had just gone through a divorce. We prayed for him, and God kept speaking to my heart about him. It was a good opportunity to practice prophesying, so I did. I saw that he was a good father, and that his kids were athletic, and that he trained them, and that they were young, and that he had a bold heart. We prayed for his marriage, restoration in relationships, and that God would protect his kids from the effects of it. He was thankful, and blessed.

After that, we left the tennis courts and went down the strip. The next folks we ran into, Andrew and Kristin, were so cool! We asked if they needed prayer, or if they had anything physically wrong, and they said no to the physical stuff but that they had some marital things they wanted prayer for. Now - no joke here - we talked with them for about an hour and a half just on the sidewalk alone, then we went into a coffee shop and talked for another hour or so. It was so cool for Nick and I to be able to love on those guys and edify one another. They were really cool folks and we walked out of so blessed.

They said that they definitely thought it was a miracle that we ran into them. Now, just think of that! If we had only asked them if they had physical pain, and then walked away if they hadn't, we totally would have missed an awesome opportunity to teach about the Kingdom of God and build each other up.

Come on folks! All you have to do to be a God-moment in someone else's life is go. That's all it takes. Go be fire carrying, Kingdom advancing, hell smashing warriors for Jesus the King! Yeah!

Our own web addy!

Hey, hey! Now this baby has it's own web address:

Friday, July 23, 2010

More on the Conference

That's Caleb praying for a guy at Chick-fil-a.

Remember Jonathan, the Singaporian guy we met at the DHT? Well, he also writes a blog here:

His latest post is about the experiences we had going out and praying for the sick in Arkansas. I encourage you to go check it out!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Todd White - Rise Up

I love this guy:

And seriously, come on Church! Let's destroy hell and advance the Kingdom of Heaven!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Plaza / Church of the Resurrection

JD and I went out to the Plaza tonight to try out my new "FREE HEALING" sign. We got there, and it was raining a little, so I decided to leave the sign in the car. We were walking around, talking, looking for folks. It didn't take long before a man approached us and asked us if we had any weed. I would say that this caught be off guard, but if you've seen my hair, you know why it didn't. We explained that we didn't have any weed, but that we were praying for people for healing. He said that he didn't have any pain, but he got back pain from time to time.

I asked him to sit down so I could check his legs. Sure enough, one was short and God grew it out. When he stood up, he was like, "Whoa, I feel taller." God is good! We talked for a minute, and we told him that God loved him and thought he was amazing, then we parted.

Next, we walked upon a large group. There was a 20-something man wearing an "I Am Second" shirt, with a bunch of young girls behind him (middle school/high school aged). I figured they were there as a youth group, so I asked him about his shirt. It was a simple way to start conversation. After a minute, we told him that we were there to pray for people for healing. We asked if anyone had pain in their body's, and one of the girls said the muscles in her arms hurt from lifting stuff. We prayed a real quick prayer, and told her to check it.

She started pumping her arms, and immediately a smile came to her face. She took several steps back, "No way! No way!" Everyone in the group was laughing and surprised. Then we checked the youth group leader's legs and one was short. We prayed and it grew. They were pretty surprised. We were able to bless them, but they quickly left after that.

Then we got out the sign and stood by a fountain. It didn't work so well. One girl, and I think it was her cousin?, approached us to ask about it. We told her that we were there to pray for folks, but they weren't in need of prayer. We talked for a while about the importance of building relationships and following up with people. Yet again, another reminder from God that we're to make disciples, not converts. Still wrestling with how to incorporate that.

We got tired of standing at the fountain and went down to the movie theater. We stood out there for a while, talking to a homeless man named Billie-ray. Poor guy just lost all of his belongings - it was washed away in Brush Creek during the storm. He was stressed. We bought him dinner and prayed for him. He said he felt more relaxed, and better. He was very humble and smiling. I told him that I thought God wanted to Father him, and even though he didn't have a home, like God was watching over him as His own child, and that He wanted to provide and care for him. Billie-ray just smiled, "I believe that!" he said. This homeless guy who just lost nearly everything he had simply trusted and knew that God would provide for him.
"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Matthew 6:25-26, ESV
While we were holding the sign, and man walked passed starting at it. I asked if he had pain in his body, and he kept walking. Two minutes later, he was back, "So, how is this free?" I said, "Can I just show you?" He was open to it. We prayed for his back to be healed (he was a taxi-driver and it was in pain from his job). After prayer he said it felt better. We also checked his legs and God grew his leg out. He was thankful, and smiled. We told him that God loved him, and he left.

Billie-ray watched him walk back to his car, and was like "He got back into the car a lot easier than he got out!"

It was awesome! God is good!

After that, we went over to the Church of the Resurrection because they were having a worship concert. I saw a guy on cruches and asked to pray. He was open for it, but there was no way to test it out afterwards.

On the way out, there was a young couple in front of us. We asked them if they had any pain in their bodies, and the guy said he had some back problems. We checked his leg in the parking lot and God grew it out. He stood up and said it felt different. He was really surprised, and all smiles. God is so amazing. The Kingdom is at hand! We can reach out and touch it! They were blessed, and left.

And that wraps up the night. It was awesome. I'm trying to learn how to maintain contact with people after we pray for them. If you have any ideas, let me know. God encounters are great! But God told us to make disciples. I would like to stay in touch with the hungry ones and disciple, mentor, encourage, train, and love on them as much as God allows. Also, I'm trying to figure out how to give the message. Jesus said, "Repent, the Kingdom is at hand." That's a tough message, but it's the Kingdom Message. I'm trying to learn to give the message in a relevant way that's undergirded in love (but not compromised).

Lastly, please pray for Billie-ray, that God would provide for him and continue to touch his heart.

Thanks to all! Blessings!

Monday, July 19, 2010

2 Dudes at Chipotle

Went to Chipotle tonight for some grub. Saw two dudes sitting at a table across the way. One of them had a "not of this world" tattoo on his arm. On their way out, I asked about the tattoo and started a simple conversation. My hope was that I could grow one of their legs out.

But neither of them ever had back problems. In fact, physically, they were fine. One of them said that they had an arm that was shorter than the other. I prayed for that for about five seconds, and then quit. I don't even know why I quit now,... I think I was too focused on growing a leg out.

The whole situation got really awkward, then they left.

I realized after that I was just trying to force a healing on someone. I just wanted to grow someone's leg out. I didn't really want to love, encourage, edify, or listen to anybody else. It was really just about me at that point.

Once again, it all comes back to love. I could of just complimented him on his tattoo, and listened. I could have encouraged them, invited them to a gathering or to go out praying with us some time. I could have just loved on them or asked the Lord for a prophetic word.

But, each encounter is a learning experience! That's what lifestyle is all about! I want to be able to give every person I meet a God encounter, even if it's just a simple act of kindness or love.

On another note, be blessed by my buddy Tom:


Prayed for the Census Bureau Lady

The Census Bureau lady came by our place as we were moving yesterday. I invited her in for water since it was super hot outside. She gladly accepted and came inside.

A few days before, she came by to gather some info from us. I asked her if she had pain in her body, and she said her neck hurt. I prayed for her about four times, but the pain never went away (frustrating). She shared about a personal situation that we could pray for, so we prayed for that.

So, yesterday, when she came in, I asked how her neck was. It was still in pain, but she asked that we pray for her allergies to go away. JD, Jason, and I prayed for her, and although the neck pain didn't go away, she said she felt tingly all over. I'll take that! Holy Spirit tingles, come on!

She was like, "Wow, that feels good!"

So, God was definitely doing something. Not sure what it was, but the Word says that if we lay our hands on the sick, they'll recover (Mark 16:18)! And the Word TRUMPS our experience.

God is good. Be blessed!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ankle Affliction smashed by King Jesus

Be encouraged by my friend Pete Cabrera:

Also, God grew a leg and an arm out on Wednesday! He's mighty!

Blessings in Jesus' Name!

Friday, July 16, 2010

No more hearing aids!

On the last night of the DHT conference with Curry Blake, my wife prayed for a lady named Beth who had hearing aids. After praying, Beth took out the hearing aids and said it was better and that maybe she wouldn't need them anymore. At the end of the night, Ashley gave Beth her contact information and we left.

Well, on Wednesday, Ashley got a call from Beth and she said that she was doing wonderful without her hearing aids! She was healed! Praise God!

Doing the "stuff" at the Plaza

"Hear then the parable of the sower: When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away. As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful. As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty."
(Matthew 13:18-23, ESV)

On Tuesday, JD, Caleb, and I headed over to the Plaza to "do the stuff." On the way over there, we saw a homeless lady. She was sitting down, and bobbing her leg really fast. I rolled the window down and asked if she had any pain in her body. She said she had puked a few times that day and that the heat was getting to her. I started to pray, but the light turned green. I had to go but we prayed in the car on the way around the corner.

After parking, we walked over to the park. Caleb approached a homeless man that was lying on the sidewalk. Caleb talked with him a while and loved on him, then prayed and we left.

Meanwhile, JD approached four homeless people sitting under a tree drinking beer. One of them had a concussion, so JD prayed. Then Caleb and I approached and started talking with them. One guy, I'll call him Joe since I can't remember his name, had a Bible. It was Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament. It looked like he had read the thing several times over, and there was writing in it and underlinings all throughout. When we talked to him, the Word just poured out of him. It was amazing to me. We all talked for a while, but other than the one with the concussion they weren't open to prayer. We left and went down the walking path.

Caleb approached a man sitting the grass, putting his shoes on and getting ready to run the trail. When Caleb approached the man and tried to start a conversation, he replied back "No habla English." So, Caleb, being fluent, replied back in Spanish, "That's okay, I speak Spanish." As soon as Caleb said this, the man shot back, "What do you want?" in perfect English. He wasn't open to prayer, so we kept walking.

We approached a homeless man on a bench, but got rejected. Then we approached another man, named Phillip. He was really cool and talked to us about all kinds of topics. He wasn't very open to Christianity because he had been burned by all the hypocrisy in the Church. We talked for a while, and he let us pray him. We checked his legs and God grew one out, but Phillip didn't believe. Then Caleb asked the Lord for a prophetic word, and the Lord gave him the word "Emily." Caleb asked Phillip if he knew an Emily, and he was shocked. He said that Emily was his son's mother. He seemed surprised, but in the end it didn't appear to have much of an impact. Caleb said that we planted seeds and that was the best we could do.

After that, we started to walk back towards the shopping area of the Plaza. We passed another homeless man, who appeared to be drunk, and he asked us if we had money. I said, "No, I don't carry cash. All I have is plastic, sorry man." He replied, "Well, can you buy me something to eat with your plastic?" I agreed and walked over to Cheesecake Factory. We got him a nice burger.

While I was inside waiting for the burger, JD prayed for an old man and grew his leg out. He said that the family was pretty shocked.

After the burger was ready, we gave it to the man and he hugged us and thanked us and left. While we were waiting for his food, Joe (from before) and another man he was sitting with, Mark, came over to beg for money. I decided to get them some food too. I went over and told them that they had food coming, and then I asked Joe if he had lower back pain and if I could check his legs. He agreed and went over and sat on a bench.

When I pulled his legs up, his left one was about an inch shorter than the other. I asked Mark to come over and hold his legs so that when it grew they would know that I didn't pull on it. Mark grabbed his legs, but he was in an awkward position so I told him to kneel. In the time it took Mark to kneel, Joe's leg grew out completely. I was shocked. I didn't even pray!

Joe stood up and said it felt different. Then he really opened up and started talking to JD and Caleb about his life story and how he got to where he was.

As that was going on, Mark asked me to pray for his health. He was checking into the hospital the next day because of high cholesterol and blood pressure problems. They told him that he was going to have a heart attack. I put my hand on his chest and prayed that he would be healed completely, and that his blood levels would come down and be normal.

After that, a man walked by us with a limp. He told me that he was in pain because of a boil on his leg. I prayed once, and he said the pain went from a 7 to a 3-4. The girl he was with shot him a glance and was like, "Are you serious?!" I prayed again, and he said it went down to a 1. I prayed a third time, and he said it was a 0. I told them that God loved them and thought they were both amazing. He walked away without a limp. Praise God!

While Caleb and JD were still ministering to Joe, I saw Hindi Sanskrit flash across my mind. It was weird. I turned around and saw three middle-eastern men walking behind me down an adjacent street. I wrestled with it for about 3-4 minutes, then I took off running after them. I caught them two blocks away, and asked them if they spoke Hindi. They said yes, but when I tried to give them some gospel tracts they said that they only speak it, they don't read it. I didn't really know what to do, so I wandered back. Oh well!

After that, we rolled out. Glory to God!

Monday, July 12, 2010

DHT Conference - Healings at Walmart - Love

"For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love."

(Gal 5:6, Amplified)

Last week, Ashley, myself, and two friends named Caleb and JD all drove down to Arkansas to see Curry Blake teach a Divine Healing Technician training course. As a group, we had all been working to take on the Jesus-life (a life of continual outreach) already. Going to the training was more of a fun field trip than anything else.

As soon as we got to the hotel, the receptionist knew we were there for a Divine Healing Conference (they had contracted special rates) and asked about what it was. I told her, and then found out that her coworker had back pain. They came around and sat down in the lobby, and God grew her coworkers legs out. They were shocked, and didn't know how to react. We told them (and a few other folks in the lobby) that God loves them.

The morning of the first day of the conference, JD ran into a guy named Jonathan who had flown into the states from Singapore, and had been travelling around going to various conferences. He was looking for a ride, so we took him on. He was a really good fit for our group, and grew from an acquaintance to a friend over the few days we spent with him.

On the first day of the conference, I prayed for two people and God grew their legs out. God is good! After the first day was over, we went back to the hotel, took naps, grabbed some food and went over to Walmart to pray for some people. JD and Caleb, Ashley and I, and Jonathan formed three different groups and took off to go look for sick people. We walked through the store and didn't see many people with obvious problems. Ashley and I approached an Indian man, and started conversation with him. After a few minutes, we asked him if he had any back pain. He said that he did from time to time, however, he didn't want prayer for it.

Some time later, as we were about to leave, Ashley saw a man with a boot on his leg hobbling towards the pharmacy section. She bravely approached him, and we found out that he had broken his big toe, and his middle toe about 4 AM that morning. They had been shut in a door. In addition to that, he had some broken blood vessels on the side of his face that bulged out. It looked like he had been punched in the jaw, but he said that the blood vessels broke a few years back and the doctors couldn't do anything about it.

First, we prayed for his toes. Before we prayed, he could barely move his toes, and beyond that, he had pain. After we hit it a few times, a lot of movement came back and he had no pain, except when he bent his toes as far as he could. It looked like the only thing keeping him from bending his toes was the swelling, which we commanded to go down. He was pretty surprised. He said that he had a prescription for pain pills but that he wasn't going to get them filled since he wasn't in pain anymore. We also commanded his blood vessels to heal and dissolve and to return to normal. We talked for a moment, exchanged contact information, and parted ways. The next two nights in a row, we received calls from him, testifying that the blood vessels had shrunk down so small that all he had to do was put a finger over it to cover it up now.


The next night, we hit Walmart again. Only this time we brought along three others we met at the conference. We split up to go look for sick people. Ashley and I walked around the store, and didn't see anybody. We called JD to see if they wanted to leave, and JD said that they were praying for some people in the back of the store. We went back there and found them praying for a lady driving around a scooter. She had been in pain, but after they prayed for her, the pain left.

There were two other hispanic women there, so I started talking to one (the mother) and Ashley started talking to her daughter. Her mother said that she had back pain, so I prayed for her and God grew her leg out. After that, she told me she also had pain in her hips, but after her leg grew it was gone!

Ashley was talking to the lady's daughter, and she said that her ankle hurt. Ashley prayed for her ankle, and the girl said that she felt like her ankle was moving and the pain was gone!

After that, I prayed for Keith and his wife (they were part of our group, just getting into the healing stuff) and God grew out both of their legs.

Then I saw a man walking by with a limp. I approached him, and he said that his ankle hurt. I told him that we were praying for folks, and God was healing people. He didn't know what to make of it, so I told him that we'd pray for his leg to grow out first, and after that, we'd hit his ankle. That's exactly what we did, and God healed his ankle and the man no longer had a limp. JD said that later that night he saw the same guy doing this dance-jig with his shopping cart, hopping from one leg to the next. God is so awesome! After God healed him, we prayed for his girlfriend and God grew her leg out.

Then another man walked by with a limp, and Caleb took off after him. God healed him too!

Meanwhile, the lady in the scooter exchanged contact info with JD, and invited us to come to her house to pray for her husband. After that, we parted ways.

As we were about to leave, Ashley saw a lady in a scooter and took off after her. She began to talk to her and ask her what happened. The lady began to tell us a long story, and talked nearly non-stop for 45 minutes. While she was talking, I tried to listen but I really just wanted to pray. But Ashley listened closely and showed interest the entire time. Finally, at the end, the old lady began to cry and said that it was good just to have someone that listened to her for once. I suddenly felt convicted,... it's all about love, isn't it? The time we spent listening probably did more for that woman's heart than any physical healing that could have taken place. This encounter really changed my perspective on what we were doing.

Anyways, we prayed for her, but we didn't see much change. She did mention that Ashley's hands were hot though!

After that, we left.


The next morning we got up and went to the old lady's house. Her husband had pain in his feet, so we prayed for him and all the pain left. Then we prayed for the old lady again. She had back pain, so Caleb grew her leg out. After all the pain was gone, she began to do a jig and dance around. She was excited. She had been walking around with a cain, because polio had messed up one of her legs. She asked us to pray for strength in her legs. We did, and after that, she began to walk around her house without her cain and told her husband that she didn't need it! At some point, while we were praying for her, she started crying because she felt heat flowing through her body. Holy Spirit is amazing!

After that, a friend of theirs came by. She had been going through a lot, and was stressed. We prayed for her, and then Caleb and Ashley prophesied over her and she began to cry.

God rocks the casbah!


What I really learned throughout all of this, is that we can't forget to love. Love is the most important thing that we can give to a person. Healing is great, and we're commanded to do it. But if we forget that we're dealing with people who need love, and all we see are bodies that need healed, we're missing the mark.

Jesus sends us on a mission to love. Proclaim the Kingdom of God, and heal the sick, but let it all be done from an attitude of love.

Bless you.