JD and I went out to the Plaza tonight to try out my new "FREE HEALING" sign. We got there, and it was raining a little, so I decided to leave the sign in the car. We were walking around, talking, looking for folks. It didn't take long before a man approached us and asked us if we had any weed. I would say that this caught be off guard, but if you've seen my hair, you know why it didn't. We explained that we didn't have any weed, but that we were praying for people for healing. He said that he didn't have any pain, but he got back pain from time to time.
I asked him to sit down so I could check his legs. Sure enough, one was short and God grew it out. When he stood up, he was like, "Whoa, I feel taller." God is good! We talked for a minute, and we told him that God loved him and thought he was amazing, then we parted.
Next, we walked upon a large group. There was a 20-something man wearing an "I Am Second" shirt, with a bunch of young girls behind him (middle school/high school aged). I figured they were there as a youth group, so I asked him about his shirt. It was a simple way to start conversation. After a minute, we told him that we were there to pray for people for healing. We asked if anyone had pain in their body's, and one of the girls said the muscles in her arms hurt from lifting stuff. We prayed a real quick prayer, and told her to check it.
She started pumping her arms, and immediately a smile came to her face. She took several steps back, "No way! No way!" Everyone in the group was laughing and surprised. Then we checked the youth group leader's legs and one was short. We prayed and it grew. They were pretty surprised. We were able to bless them, but they quickly left after that.
Then we got out the sign and stood by a fountain. It didn't work so well. One girl, and I think it was her cousin?, approached us to ask about it. We told her that we were there to pray for folks, but they weren't in need of prayer. We talked for a while about the importance of building relationships and following up with people. Yet again, another reminder from God that we're to make disciples, not converts. Still wrestling with how to incorporate that.
We got tired of standing at the fountain and went down to the movie theater. We stood out there for a while, talking to a homeless man named Billie-ray. Poor guy just lost all of his belongings - it was washed away in Brush Creek during the storm. He was stressed. We bought him dinner and prayed for him. He said he felt more relaxed, and better. He was very humble and smiling. I told him that I thought God wanted to Father him, and even though he didn't have a home, like God was watching over him as His own child, and that He wanted to provide and care for him. Billie-ray just smiled, "I believe that!" he said. This homeless guy who just lost nearly everything he had simply trusted and knew that God would provide for him.
"Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
Matthew 6:25-26, ESV
While we were holding the sign, and man walked passed starting at it. I asked if he had pain in his body, and he kept walking. Two minutes later, he was back, "So, how is this free?" I said, "Can I just show you?" He was open to it. We prayed for his back to be healed (he was a taxi-driver and it was in pain from his job). After prayer he said it felt better. We also checked his legs and God grew his leg out. He was thankful, and smiled. We told him that God loved him, and he left.
Billie-ray watched him walk back to his car, and was like "He got back into the car a lot easier than he got out!"
It was awesome! God is good!
After that, we went over to the Church of the Resurrection because they were having a worship concert. I saw a guy on cruches and asked to pray. He was open for it, but there was no way to test it out afterwards.
On the way out, there was a young couple in front of us. We asked them if they had any pain in their bodies, and the guy said he had some back problems. We checked his leg in the parking lot and God grew it out. He stood up and said it felt different. He was really surprised, and all smiles. God is so amazing. The Kingdom is at hand! We can reach out and touch it! They were blessed, and left.
And that wraps up the night. It was awesome. I'm trying to learn how to maintain contact with people after we pray for them. If you have any ideas, let me know. God encounters are great! But God told us to make disciples. I would like to stay in touch with the hungry ones and disciple, mentor, encourage, train, and love on them as much as God allows. Also, I'm trying to figure out how to give the message. Jesus said, "Repent, the Kingdom is at hand." That's a tough message, but it's the Kingdom Message. I'm trying to learn to give the message in a relevant way that's undergirded in love (but not compromised).
Lastly, please pray for Billie-ray, that God would provide for him and continue to touch his heart.
Thanks to all! Blessings!
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