the Jesus-life

(the heavenly pattern)
  • Proclaimed/preached/taught the Kingdom of God
  • Healed the sick, cast out demons 
  • Lived a Holy Life (loved His neighbor as Himself) 
  • Made disciples
These four aspects of Jesus' life were his lifestyle. These activities were not special events in the life of Jesus, they were the continuous, all-the-time expression of His attitudes, values, and worldview. Everywhere Jesus went, He advanced the Kingdom of God and reconciled people to the Father. Jesus was sent by the Father with a mission: to destroy the works of the enemy by proclaiming good news to the poor, healing the sick, and setting the captives free. John 17 says that Jesus glorified the Father by completing the works that the Father had given Him. There are many times in the New Testament where it says that Jesus “healed them all.” In Acts, the Word says that Jesus “healed all who were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38).

Jesus, who was a rabbi, also had disciples. In 1st century Judaism, a disciple didn’t just study under a rabbi, the disciple wanted to be like his rabbi. The disciple wanted to have the same thoughts, emotions, and reactions of his rabbi. In essence, the disciple wanted to take on his personality and lifestyle. In the New Testament, Jesus had a whole lot of disciples, but a certain inner 12 that he deemed apostles. He taught them about the Kingdom of God, self-sacrifice, and loving others. He also gave them authority over demons and every manner of affliction and disease. At one point in His ministry, Jesus sends them out two-by-two to proclaim the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. When the twelve returned, shocked that they could do what Jesus did, He makes the radical move and sends out 70 more. This was His invasion tactic. He was taking the land for the Kingdom of God!

In this manner, Jesus transmitted His lifestyle to others. He made disciples and duplicated Himself. Then, in the Great Commission, Jesus tells his apostles to go into the entire world, preach the Kingdom of God everywhere, and make more disciples teaching them to obey all that He had commanded. What did Jesus command them?

To do what He did!!!

So, what should the life of a disciple look like? Simple, look at a Jesus and we have the answer. A disciple should:
  • Preach/teach/proclaim the Kingdom of God 
  • Heal the sick 
  • Live a holy life 
  • Make more disciples!
It’s that simple! And it shouldn’t just be during outreaches. Jesus’ entire life was an outreach. The apostles' entire lives were outreach. Everywhere we go, whether it is to the mall, Wal-Mart, to get gas, Church, eat, work, or our grandma’s house, we are to advance the Kingdom of God by living the Jesus-life.

TheJesusMethod is about training up people to walk the Jesus-life, so that we can be hell destroying, fire carrying, Kingdom advancing people everywhere we go -- just like Jesus was!