Sunday, August 29, 2010

Advancing the Kingdom In a 4-Star Hotel

For a while now, I've been looking out for an opportunity to pray for some of the hotel supervisors and managers, hoping to open a door to the rest of the employees. Well, last night I went down to pay our hotel bill. While in the lobby, I looked across into the dining area and saw about 5 - 7 employees and 2 supervisors. None of the guests were eating, so the staff were patiently standing their posts, waiting for customers to arrive.

I figured this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. I walked in and told one of the supervisors to send me all of his sick employees, and that I would pray for them and Jesus would send them back all better. He was skeptical, and laughed, and then called over a friend of his (the other supervisor) and said he had back problems. I had him sit in a chair, prayed, and Jesus grew his leg out. Suddenly he realized I wasn't playing around.

Then another person came forward, also reporting back problems. Jesus grew his leg out too. I stood up, "Who's next?" All total, I think Jesus grew 3-4 legs out right there.

One man said he had really bad neck pain around a 7-8 (pain level). I prayed once, and it improved. Hit it two more times and it was totally gone. He made mention that he had it since he was young, so I had him sit so that I could check his legs. One was about an inch short. I had one of the supervisors (the skeptical one) hold the legs, and Jesus grew it out pretty fast. It looked like the leg jumped out 2 to 3 times, and it was completely even.

After that, one of the supervisors said that he had tennis elbow. He had damaged some nerves and seen doctors for near a year. He had had surgery, and was currently in physical therapy. I put my hand on his elbow and told him he'd feel some heat, and with the biggest smile on his face he looked up and said that he did. After a moment, the pain was gone.

I kept telling them all, "It's Jesus," over and over again.

At this point, guests were coming down, managers and other big wigs were staring from a distance, and other employees were starting to gather in 2s and 3s talking about what had happened. I decided I should probably go upstairs so that everyone could get back to work.

About 1 hour later, however, I came back down. I saw Aneesh (the supervisor with tennis-elbow) and he said that a little bit of pain came back. I prayed and it went away again. He said, "She has a headache," and motioned to a female employee standing next to him. I took the woman's hand, and held it for a minute, silently commanding the headache to go. Suddenly, she began to look down and kept asking, "What's happening to my hand? What are you doing?" I'm assuming she felt some tingling or warming sensation, but I'm not sure. I commanded the headache to go, and it left, but all the sudden she said she was really confused. I could see it in her eyes too. It looked like she had been hit in the head or something. At first, I thought maybe Holy Spirit was wrecking her because of the odd sensations in her hand. However, our God is not a God of confusion - and she was definitely confused! And if you had seen her eyes, you probably would have come to the same conclusion I did... that this was an unclean spirit. I commanded it to leave, and suddenly all clarity came zipping back.

Aneesh said that every time I prayed, the pain left, but then it came back. I told him that that's because it's an evil spirit afflicting him, and since Jesus doesn't live in his heart, he has no one to protect him. I told him it would just come back again if he didn't receive Jesus.

Suddenly, both were all ears and both definitely wanted to know Jesus. I pitched the good news of Jesus, told them that they must repent and turn away from their false idols. You could almost see it in their faces, they knew that their idols weren't gods. The light of heaven broke through and shone upon their hearts. I prayed with them right there on the spot (at the dining room guest book in a four-star hotel) and both gladly receive Jesus as their Lord.

I emailed both of them a link to the Hindi version of the Gospel of John, and am praying for a church plant.

Jesus is King! Man, all we have to do is step out, and God will be faithful.


Encouraging video. If those doesn't put some fire in your heart to share the gospel, I don't know what will:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Unclean Spirit Cast Out in Jesus' Name!

Yesterday, at work, I found out that my manager's 8 month old daughter has dysentery. I told him that Ashley and I would come and pray for her, and he said that he might be calling me in the near future. He asked me, "Are you a Christian that sees visions?" At first, I didn't understand him, so I asked him to repeat himself. Then he said, "Well, I have a friend who is a Christian, and he developed these powers and can see the future. Then, another friend, his Mother is a staunch Christian, and she developed these powers to do exorcisms. Are you one of the Christians that have developed powers?"

Haha! I love it. People in the third-world have a more Christian worldview than those in the West, and they aren't even Christian!!!

So, I told him yeah, my wife gets insights on people and moves in the prophetic, and I move more in healing. It's not that we're limited to these gifts, these are just areas we're more practiced in.

I'm looking forward to his phone call, but regardless, his daughter's name is Niesha. So, join me: Dysentery, sickness, GO! In Jesus' Name! Unclean spirit, come out of her and never return, in Jesus' Name! Body, be completely healed, in Jesus' Name!

I'll let you know the report.


Today, Deepa, the girl we prayed for (I wrote about it here) and God grew her leg out (and shrunk one!) came back and told us she still had back pain. Something happened today, and it's been causing her a lot of problems. To demonstrate the pain, she bent about a 1/4 of the way over and stopped because it hurt too bad.

Hmm, seems fishy, doesn't it? Just yesterday, God healed her,... today it's back...

...anyhoo, we prayed once for the pain to go, and there was a slight improvement. Ashley's hand was on her back, and said it was really hot, so she left it there (heat is good!). We prayed a second time and commanded a spirit of infirmity to get out, and not return, and this time, she was completely healed! Thank You Jesus! Ashley said later that she knew it was an unclean spirit, she could sense it.

Deepa was thrilled and said she was thankful to Jesus, and to us. She then told us that everyone in the hotel speaks very highly of us, and says that we're really good doctors. Haha! We told her that we aren't doctors, but we know the Doctor.

Jesus is so awesome.

Let's do what the Bible says, and watch the Kingdom of Heaven crash into earth.

Walk in your blessing (Eph 1:3).

Friday, August 27, 2010

More healing, and a salvation!

Yesterday, Kundan, a friend of ours from housekeeping, came by to clean our room. While he was here, two of his coworkers came in. One was a female, and when she was on her way out I thought I got a word of knowledge that she had back pain. So, I asked her, and she did. I had her sit down, and Ashley held her legs. One was short.

I had Kundan, and the other gentleman watch her legs as Ashley and I prayed for it to grow out. One of the legs started to grow, and the gap began to shorten, but it wasn't closing all the way. Then I commanded the other leg to shrink in Jesus' Name, and as soon as I did that it jumped right back to where it was supposed to be. Both legs were even!

The girl, Deepa, felt both of her legs growing/shrinking as we prayed. She was very thankful to Jesus and to Ashley and I, and her back pain was totally gone!

After Deepa and the other gentleman left, it was just Kundan left in the room. He was very amazed. He kept trying to express his shock in broken English, all that would come out was, "This I have seen with my eyes... I have never imagined..."

Ashley and I used the opportunity to tell him about the love and power of Jesus Christ. We told him that Jesus loved him, and that if he was willing to turn away from all wrong things and live a life of love, that Jesus would send His Spirit to live in his heart (it's hard to present the fullness of the goodness with such a language barrier).

Kundan was ready to turn from sin and receive Jesus as Lord, so we prayed with him. It was a typical sinners prayer, and we asked God to fill him up. At the end, I asked Kundan how he was feeling, and he was like, "Something feeling good." So, because of the love and power of Jesus, we have another brother to spend eternity with!!!

We offered to come to Kundan's home and teach him and his roommates more about Jesus and the Bible. He sounded interested so we'll see what happens!

Haha, Jesus You're so amazing! Kingdom baby! Kingdom!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Increase of His Government Will Know No End!

Since being in India, Ashley and I have prayed for a lot of people. Probably 7 - 10 in the last week. God has healed every single person we've prayed for.

Word is getting out about the healing power of Jesus, and it's becoming common for people to ask us to pray for them to be healed. Lately, we've been getting invited to people's houses to pray for their sick loved ones. We've had two invites in just the last two days!

Two days ago, on my way back from work, the driver asked us to come to his home and pray for his 8 year-old son because he has frequent nightmares that wake him up and terrify him. I told the driver that his son was being attacked by an evil spirit, but that Jesus is more mighty than the evil spirit and will kill it and set his son free. He was very hopeful, and glad to hear the good news. Ashley and I hope to go there tomorrow. Please pray that God would draw them into the Kingdom!

Yesterday, a man came to our room to bring us some food we had ordered. He had some stomach pain, so we prayed for him and Jesus completely knocked it out. Right afterwards, he asked Ashley and I to come to his home to pray for his mom.

This is the normal Christian life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jesus heals in India - again!

Last night I spoke to Baghat on the phone (he's who I wrote about in this post), and he told me that his wrist had very "low pain" in it. I prayed for him over the phone and Jesus took all the pain away.

Today, we went over to Baghat's house and met more of his family. While there, we had the opportunity to pray for Baghat's Mom, and his son. His son had nightly fevers and congestion. Baghat told me that they had seen 2 or 3 doctors, and no one can help. Ashley and I put our hands on him and commanded the infirmity to go. It was difficult to check if he was healed because his son is only 2 years old. I'm assuming he is, because the Word says we'll lay our hands on the sick and recover. But I went ahead and told Baghat that if he keeps waking up with fevers that we will come back until he is healed. Jesus healed them all (Acts 10:38) - so we know it's His will - and promised that we would do the same things and greater (John 14:12)!

After this, we prayed for Baghat's Mom. She had a stomach surgery where the doctors removed some veins, and since that time she has suffered from gas. Ashley and I put our hands on her and commanded all the organs to function as they should, and thanked Jesus for making them brand new. After praying, she said that she felt heat down by her stomach, and that it felt better.

They were all very blessed.

Ashley and I hope to return in the future to share more of Jesus with the family. We hope that a door opens and they all accept the good news. Perhaps we can start a family church (just another name for simple church that Indian's are more receptive to). Baghat is definitely a person of peace (Luke 10:5-9). If Baghat accepted Jesus, I imagine the entire family of 10+ would readily follow.

Lord, please give them heart revelation of Your beauty. Put a desire in their hearts to know more about You, and more about your Word. Thank You, Jesus! You're amazing! Amen.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

More people healed in India!

This morning, one of the hotel staff brought breakfast up to Ashley and I's room. I asked him if he had any pain in his body, and he said he had a nerve that caused him trouble in his back. I prayed for him and the pain totally went away. I told him it was all Jesus! He was blessed, and thankful.

A little later, another person from the hotel staff brought some sugar packets up to our room. I asked him the same question, and he had back pain. I had him sit down, and I pulled his legs up. One was short, but I didn't even have to pray, God just started growing it out. He stood, I prayed one more time, and all the pain was knocked out. I told him it was all Jesus! Woo!

After that, Ashley and I took a cab over to Shipra Mall. On the way there, the cab driver asked us to pray for his chest pain. When we got to the mall, we prayed, and God healed him. Then he said his back hurt too. I prayed a few times, God grew his leg out, and his back pain left. While this was going on, a man walking through the parking lot stopped and observed. I had the taxi driver translate and ask the man if he had any pain or sickness. He said he had a headache, so I prayed and Jesus healed him too. I told them both it was Jesus that healed them. They were very thankful and happy that they were pain free.

Every time God heals a person here in India, there's a language barrier. It's difficult to tell them about the Kingdom and the fullness of the good news of Jesus Christ. I usually just try to say "Jesus" as much as possible - at least three to four times every encounter. They at least get that, because they are very religious people.

Holy Spirit, please lead them to search out Jesus Christ. Appear to them in dreams and visions in the night, and open their hearts to the fullness of the love of God! Thank You, You're amazing! Amen.


Below is a really cool YouTube video the guys over at RevivalorRiots crew put together. If you go to the source YouTube page of this video, you'll see links to their websites.

This video is really about repenting from an Old Covenant mindset and embracing a New Covenant mindset. This paradigm shift has radically changed my relationship with God in a way that has brought peace, faith, and love. I encourage you to dig deeper. If you would like to discuss, feel free to email me or leave a comment. Be blessed:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It Begins

A few posts ago, I wrote about a cab driver that God healed after I prayed for him. The next day, on my way to work, the cab driver (a different one) said, "Sir, I have question I ask of you. My back has been in some pain for quite long time..."

He had heard from Baghat how Jesus healed his wrist, and he wanted to know if I would ask Jesus to heal his back. He was driving down a hill and crashed his car back in May. Since then, he had spent 25,000 rupees (about $500) - which is A LOT of money here - but still had no comfort. When we reached our destination, I had him get out of the car and I prayed for him. I had to pray about 5 times, but Jesus knocked it completely out.

I told him, "It was Jesus! It was Jesus! He loves you." It's difficult to say a whole lot more because of the language barrier sometimes.

He was blessed. Jesus is Lord!

Since then, I've also prayed for several of the hotel staff who had various back problems. Everyone's on their feet all the time here, so it's a common thing. Jesus has healed them all, because He loves them all. And I told them that.

In the future, I'm hoping to find a hotel manager to pray for. That would open some doors... God wants to take this place more than I do, so I've got my eyes peeled :)

Thank You Jesus for the privilege of co-laboring with You to bring the Kingdom. Let's take back the land for the Kingdom!

Bless you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

God grows house keeper's leg out!

Today, housekeeping came by the hotel room to clean. After the two guys were done, I asked if either of them had any pain or sickness in their bodies. One of them said they had back pain.

I asked one of them to sit down, I checked his legs, and one was short. Then, like a blast from the past, God grew it out. I told him that it was Jesus, and that Jesus loved him. There wasn't much time to talk, and they didn't speak very good english. But I kept saying, "Jesus, it was Jesus."

On the way out, one of the men told me that if anyone else had back pain they would send them to Ashley and I. I told them to send us anyone who has ANY pain or sickness. They walked away touched by the Master.

The devil's got nothing, and Jesus is supreme! Thank You Lord!


Great article a friend wrote:
"I felt sorry that they had to go through all this and I felt a bit embarrassed for myself, but I know that ultimately it’s about obedience. I didn’t see any result then and obviously I was terribly disappointed but I still hold on to God’s Word for His Word is above my experiences. If there’s a failure, it’s not with God, but with me. But when I say this, I am not condemning myself. I am secure in God’s love enough to know that His love never leaves me when I fail."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cab Driver's Wrist Healed!

During my time in India, I will be staying at the Park Plaza hotel. Every day, I commute to work via hotel cab drivers. Since this is going on my fourth month in India this year, Ashley and I have been able to build relationships with various hotel staff.

Yesterday, on my way to work, Baghat (pronounced Bug-ot), my cab driver, said to me, "Sir, last time you here, you blessed me for better job. But you also ask me if I had pain. Sir, I did not have pain then, but I do now." Baghat showed me his wrist. It was all bandaged up.

Baghat didn't know why there was pain, but I think it may have been some form of tendonitis. He had it X-rayed, but the bones looked fine. He told me it had been hurting him off and on for about two years.

At any rate, I told him Jesus would knock that out no problem because Jesus loves him. When we got to the office, I prayed twice and the pain was totally gone. "This is incredible, sir!" Baghat said.

Immediately after Jesus healed his wrist, he asked me to come to his home and pray for his child. His baby has had a fever off and on for two months, and keeps waking up with congestion and some other things.

God is opening doors! Man, He's just so awesome! Thank You, Papa!

I am a Spirit… How to have “Great” Faith

"Jesus equated understanding the principle of authority, to having 'great faith.' "

I am a Spirit… How to have “Great” Faith

Great article.

In India

In India. Got here last Saturday. Looking forward to praying for peeps and reporting the amazing things that God does here.

Posts might be slow in coming, but keep checking back in!

Remember, you're already blessed! (Eph 1:3)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cab Driver's Leg Grows Out

I called a cab to take Ashley and I to the airport today. During the ride, it came out in conversation that the driver had arthritis in his wrist, and back problems. At the airport, we prayed for his wrist, however, there was no way to check it -- he wasn't in any pain or anything. After that, he sat on top of his car and we checked his legs. One was short and God grew it out.

God will touch anybody, anytime, anywhere, because God is LOVE. Love doesn't stop!

Come on guys! Let's do this thing! Let's stop playing around and change the world.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How do you know who to pray for?

Touch as many as you can in the time that you have.

Healings at the Plaza

Last Sunday, I went up to the Country Club Plaza in KC with JD to sell some bracelets and pray for people. The bracelets were to raise money for Threads of Hope and JD's mission trip with the World Race.

We set up a table and hung a sign on the front. On one side, it said "Bracelets, $2," on the other side it said, "FREE SPIRITUAL CLEANSING."

Almost immediately, one couple saw the spiritual cleansing side and came over to ask about it. We got to pray for the man who dealt with self pity and low self-esteem issues, and he said he felt at peace and comforted. I shared the gospel with them, but they weren't ready for Jesus.

A group of 5-6 ladies approached us to buy bracelets. When they found out it was to support mission work, they started to tell us about all these other missions organizations they were connected to. One lady, Beth, said her foot her. We prayed for her and the pain got crushed by Jesus. Then they all prayed for us and we got totally rocked.

After that, we moved to a different location. On the way over, a homeless guy saw us carrying the sign. He asked about the spiritual cleansing stuff, and said he heard we had been up on the plaza. He wanted prayer for his neck and shoulder. We prayed for his neck, and Jesus took the pain away. His shoulder only had about 10% mobility, the skin was numb, and it hurt terribly when he tried to move it. We spent about 20 minutes praying for his shoulder, and he got about 90% of the mobility back, the pain went away, and his numbness was healed. Thank You Jesus! He's good ALL the time!

After that, we found out he had horrible back pain so we prayed and God grew his leg out. We told him that Jesus loved him and that he needed to turn away from his sins.

When we reached the other spot we were going to set up, a group of kids approached us because they saw my Thursday t-shirt (a band). As we were talking with them, a group of 5-6 other kids walked up because they saw our free spiritual cleansing sign. In all, we had about 8-9 kids around us. They were asking what spiritual cleansing was, and I kind of fumbled through an answer.

I found out that one of them had back pain, so I had him sit down, and sure enough, a leg was short. I had his friends hold the leg, and God grew it out. They were blown away. Laughing at what had just happened, one kid goes, "I want to be taller!" I said, "Okay, sit down."

I commanded his legs to grow in Jesus Name', and one at a time they came out. Now everyone was really going crazy. They were so amazed at the power of Jesus. One of the kids said his ribs hurt. I prayed real fast, and the pain went away. Then another came forward and said he had torn his ACL a while back, but it wasn't completely better yet. I prayed, and much of the cracking and popping in his knee went away (but not all of it). He said it felt really warm. When he stood, he said on a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being normal), he was at about a 6 -7 before and was now at a 8.5 or 9. As we stood talking, the warmth continued in his knee. I never got to follow up with him to see if it got 100% better.

After that, one of the other kids asked if I could pray for his alcoholism. I told him that Jesus could set him free from anything. I put my hands on his chest and told him he'd feel something lift off of him. I commanded the addiction to go in Jesus' Name, and asked him what was going on. He said that he felt lighter all of the sudden, and he could breath easier. He felt and peace and comforted. Jesus is so amazing! This is the real deal guys!

After that, 4 - 5 girls came up to us. JD started to prophecy over them. On the first girl, he hit a few words spot-on. The rest of the girls got in a line, "Me next, me next!" they said. JD tore it up, and God touched their hearts.

As JD was prophesying over the girls, another group came up. One of the women of that group said she "heard" we were ministering to people and she was joining her spirit with JD's as he prophesied.

After the girls JD was prophesying too left, we talked to the other group. After a few minutes, one of the girls that left came back, and asked JD if he heard anything else. When she did this, the woman from the other group jumped right in and started sharing the love of God and the good news of Jesus Christ. She lead the girl to Jesus right there on the spot. The girl said she felt really relieved. Praise God!

After that, we asked how the woman "heard" we were ministering. She said that she was in her car, and felt the Lord said, "Look at those guys over there. Watch them." After a few minutes, the Lord said to her, "They're ministering."

How baller is that?!

Later, there were a large group of girls we got to pray over,... they were in their first year of college.

Then a group of super-cool guys came by. I prayed for one for anxiety and depression, he said he felt at peace, lighter, and much better. Then I prayed for another guy, named Regg (super cool kid), that he would do well at his soccer tryouts. He said that he prayed that morning, but that he wasn't sure if God heard him. After I prayed, he said he felt something come over his entire body. Like he had goosebumps but he didn't. I asked the Lord to increase it, and when I did, he said all of the feeling went to his ears.

I thought that maybe this was prophetic, in a sense. Through talking with him, I found out that he was a really good listener, and that he understood people well. Then it dawned on me, he said he wasn't sure if God "heard" him. Perhaps Holy Spirit was manifesting on his ears to communicate to him that He always hears? I don't know. Whatever the case, Holy Spirit You're amazing and all the glory belongs to You!

Wow, it was an amazing day. I don't even remember everything that happened. I know that there were some more legs that we saw grow out and some other stuff.

This is the Kingdom of God, guys. Get in the game. We're meant to dish out God-encounters everywhere we go. Don't wait for revival, BE REVIVAL! Jesus Christ loves you. Stop sinning, stop being apathetic and lethargic, stop being disobedient, and start being obedient. Jesus lives inside of you. You're ready, you're equipped! Go smash hell and advance the Kingdom.

Jesus, I pray for all who read this. Put a fire in their hearts, I ask. Let their hearts burn and get hot, even now, and show them that You want to take them so much deeper. Thank You for your love, and Your amazing, amazing fellowship. I give you all the glory. Thank YOU JESUS! Amen.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This Week

Last Tuesday, we prayed for a lady and God grew her leg out. It was awesome!

I talked to the coworker I wrote about in a previous post again. I didn't know this, but he said that his shoulder had been hurting for a really long time. He had very limited mobility, and was really concerned it was going to give out while he working out or something. After praying for him, he said it was 90% better. I checked this week, and he said it was 98% better. I prayed again to finish it off.

Today, I went out for quite a few hours to pray for folks. I got turned down a bajillion times. I did, however, get to pray for a few people. One couple just wanted some good fortune. I prayed for him and definitely sensed he was facing a time of hardship after hardship, and shared this with him. He agreed. I prayed for God to give him a resilient heart, and he was blessed. I prayed for two other guys on a work break. They didn't need prayer for anything in particular, so I just asked God to bless them. They were blessed.

Later, I saw a lady with a medical boot on her leg. I asked what happened, and she explained her nerves got messed up. I prayed for her two or three times, but there was no change.

Ran into 4 - 5 girls and one of them said she had lower back pain. She even said that a doctor told her one was shorter than the other. I had another girl help me check her legs (the girl held the legs), and I had them tell me which was short. One was about an inch short. Then I put my finger on her shoulder and commanded the leg to grow. I waited for a few seconds, and checked, and the leg had grown out. God is good! The girls, however, didn't see it grow out! And the girl I prayed for didn't feel anything. I couldn't believe it! One second it was an inch short, the next the legs were even, and nobody saw it grow! Blah.

After that I loved on a homeless man for a while. He told me about his life story, how his hips got messed up, and some other things. I gave him some money and left. He didn't want prayer, but he was blessed.

Then I saw a man with a knee brace on. I asked what happened, and he said he broke his kneecap. I prayed for him, and asked him to check it. He was surprised and said it felt better. On a scale of 1 - 10, he said before it was a 6-7 and was down to a 3-4. I prayed again, and he said it got even better. However, he didn't let me go on. It was weird,... he said that he had been drinking and I think he just got confused when I asked him to pray again. It was cool though, God rocks the house and is always faithful!

Then I went and talked to another homeless man, Billie-Ray, from a previous post. He was doing a lot better since the last time I saw him. I talked to him for a while and it was a really cool time.

All of that took about 3-4 hours in the HEAT. I was worn out.

Never-the-less, God rocks. Guys, repent of your sins and accept Jesus as Lord. You need Him. He loves you, wants you, and thinks you're amazing. He can transfer you from a kingdom of darkness, to the kingdom of Light. Jesus can set you free and give you joy.

Bless you.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Movie Night... and God grew a leg out!

Last night, two friends came over to watch a movie. As we were waiting for Ryan (another friend) to arrive, I began to share testimonies with them of all the people we've seen God heal recently. I talked about legs growing out, pain being healed, etc. They were encouraged.

One was curious about God healing those with mental illnesses as she worked with the mentally ill on a daily basis. This gave me an opportunity to speak about demons, our authority as believers, and the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all. As we were talking, I asked her if she'd be open for prayer. She thanked me, but denied the offer. At first I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to demonstrate God's love and willingness to heal people like I had been talking about.

Just then, however, there was a knock at the door. Ryan showed up! Little did he know I was about to pull a fast one! I opened the door and immediately asked him if he ever had back pain. He was like, "Yeah,why?" I said, "Want to see something cool? Come sit down over here." He sat down and I checked his legs. Sure enough, one was about an inch short. I had my other two friends watch, and I commanded the leg to grow. It came right out, and Ryan was really surprised! His next words were, "My back doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Ain't that cool, man?! Praise God!" I said. Then one of my other friends pointed out that Ryan had knee problems. I asked him about it and he said that he had reconstructive surgery in the past. He wasn't currently in pain, and therefore if I prayed for him he wouldn't know if it got any better. I went for it anyways.

I put my hand on his knee and commanded the pain to never return. I left my hand there for a few seconds, and then I said, "You feel it getting warm in there?" He was like, "A little bit... but it was crazy earlier. When you commanded my legs to grow they felt like they were fire!" I said, "Isn't that awesome! Here, watch this. Lord, please double the heat right now." Then I looked back up at Ryan, "Tell me when you feel it."

A few seconds later he just laughed and shook his head in disbelief. God's so awesome! I asked him if it felt any different than before and he said it did a little bit.

God's amazing! He's so willing to touch people, we just have to step out and allow Him to use us!