Thursday, August 19, 2010

God grows house keeper's leg out!

Today, housekeeping came by the hotel room to clean. After the two guys were done, I asked if either of them had any pain or sickness in their bodies. One of them said they had back pain.

I asked one of them to sit down, I checked his legs, and one was short. Then, like a blast from the past, God grew it out. I told him that it was Jesus, and that Jesus loved him. There wasn't much time to talk, and they didn't speak very good english. But I kept saying, "Jesus, it was Jesus."

On the way out, one of the men told me that if anyone else had back pain they would send them to Ashley and I. I told them to send us anyone who has ANY pain or sickness. They walked away touched by the Master.

The devil's got nothing, and Jesus is supreme! Thank You Lord!


Great article a friend wrote:
"I felt sorry that they had to go through all this and I felt a bit embarrassed for myself, but I know that ultimately it’s about obedience. I didn’t see any result then and obviously I was terribly disappointed but I still hold on to God’s Word for His Word is above my experiences. If there’s a failure, it’s not with God, but with me. But when I say this, I am not condemning myself. I am secure in God’s love enough to know that His love never leaves me when I fail."

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