Saturday, August 28, 2010

Unclean Spirit Cast Out in Jesus' Name!

Yesterday, at work, I found out that my manager's 8 month old daughter has dysentery. I told him that Ashley and I would come and pray for her, and he said that he might be calling me in the near future. He asked me, "Are you a Christian that sees visions?" At first, I didn't understand him, so I asked him to repeat himself. Then he said, "Well, I have a friend who is a Christian, and he developed these powers and can see the future. Then, another friend, his Mother is a staunch Christian, and she developed these powers to do exorcisms. Are you one of the Christians that have developed powers?"

Haha! I love it. People in the third-world have a more Christian worldview than those in the West, and they aren't even Christian!!!

So, I told him yeah, my wife gets insights on people and moves in the prophetic, and I move more in healing. It's not that we're limited to these gifts, these are just areas we're more practiced in.

I'm looking forward to his phone call, but regardless, his daughter's name is Niesha. So, join me: Dysentery, sickness, GO! In Jesus' Name! Unclean spirit, come out of her and never return, in Jesus' Name! Body, be completely healed, in Jesus' Name!

I'll let you know the report.


Today, Deepa, the girl we prayed for (I wrote about it here) and God grew her leg out (and shrunk one!) came back and told us she still had back pain. Something happened today, and it's been causing her a lot of problems. To demonstrate the pain, she bent about a 1/4 of the way over and stopped because it hurt too bad.

Hmm, seems fishy, doesn't it? Just yesterday, God healed her,... today it's back...

...anyhoo, we prayed once for the pain to go, and there was a slight improvement. Ashley's hand was on her back, and said it was really hot, so she left it there (heat is good!). We prayed a second time and commanded a spirit of infirmity to get out, and not return, and this time, she was completely healed! Thank You Jesus! Ashley said later that she knew it was an unclean spirit, she could sense it.

Deepa was thrilled and said she was thankful to Jesus, and to us. She then told us that everyone in the hotel speaks very highly of us, and says that we're really good doctors. Haha! We told her that we aren't doctors, but we know the Doctor.

Jesus is so awesome.

Let's do what the Bible says, and watch the Kingdom of Heaven crash into earth.

Walk in your blessing (Eph 1:3).

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