I figured this was the opportunity I had been waiting for. I walked in and told one of the supervisors to send me all of his sick employees, and that I would pray for them and Jesus would send them back all better. He was skeptical, and laughed, and then called over a friend of his (the other supervisor) and said he had back problems. I had him sit in a chair, prayed, and Jesus grew his leg out. Suddenly he realized I wasn't playing around.
Then another person came forward, also reporting back problems. Jesus grew his leg out too. I stood up, "Who's next?" All total, I think Jesus grew 3-4 legs out right there.
One man said he had really bad neck pain around a 7-8 (pain level). I prayed once, and it improved. Hit it two more times and it was totally gone. He made mention that he had it since he was young, so I had him sit so that I could check his legs. One was about an inch short. I had one of the supervisors (the skeptical one) hold the legs, and Jesus grew it out pretty fast. It looked like the leg jumped out 2 to 3 times, and it was completely even.
After that, one of the supervisors said that he had tennis elbow. He had damaged some nerves and seen doctors for near a year. He had had surgery, and was currently in physical therapy. I put my hand on his elbow and told him he'd feel some heat, and with the biggest smile on his face he looked up and said that he did. After a moment, the pain was gone.
I kept telling them all, "It's Jesus," over and over again.
At this point, guests were coming down, managers and other big wigs were staring from a distance, and other employees were starting to gather in 2s and 3s talking about what had happened. I decided I should probably go upstairs so that everyone could get back to work.
About 1 hour later, however, I came back down. I saw Aneesh (the supervisor with tennis-elbow) and he said that a little bit of pain came back. I prayed and it went away again. He said, "She has a headache," and motioned to a female employee standing next to him. I took the woman's hand, and held it for a minute, silently commanding the headache to go. Suddenly, she began to look down and kept asking, "What's happening to my hand? What are you doing?" I'm assuming she felt some tingling or warming sensation, but I'm not sure. I commanded the headache to go, and it left, but all the sudden she said she was really confused. I could see it in her eyes too. It looked like she had been hit in the head or something. At first, I thought maybe Holy Spirit was wrecking her because of the odd sensations in her hand. However, our God is not a God of confusion - and she was definitely confused! And if you had seen her eyes, you probably would have come to the same conclusion I did... that this was an unclean spirit. I commanded it to leave, and suddenly all clarity came zipping back.
Aneesh said that every time I prayed, the pain left, but then it came back. I told him that that's because it's an evil spirit afflicting him, and since Jesus doesn't live in his heart, he has no one to protect him. I told him it would just come back again if he didn't receive Jesus.
Suddenly, both were all ears and both definitely wanted to know Jesus. I pitched the good news of Jesus, told them that they must repent and turn away from their false idols. You could almost see it in their faces, they knew that their idols weren't gods. The light of heaven broke through and shone upon their hearts. I prayed with them right there on the spot (at the dining room guest book in a four-star hotel) and both gladly receive Jesus as their Lord.
I emailed both of them a link to the Hindi version of the Gospel of John, and am praying for a church plant.
Jesus is King! Man, all we have to do is step out, and God will be faithful.
Encouraging video. If those doesn't put some fire in your heart to share the gospel, I don't know what will:
Bro, so encouraging! Jesus is so good. You are definitely kicking some defeated devil butt. Peace and Grace!