Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sickness Healed!

It's been a while since I've posted. Part of this is that I've been busier at work, and another part of this is that opportunities to pray for the sick have been passed up (grr!) and not as frequent.

However, that doesn't mean that nothing has happened!

Remember Bhaghat? I wrote about him here. His son was sick (waking up with a fever and bad congestion), and he asked us to come to his home and pray for him. We did, however, his son's sickness continued. I told him we'd pray for his son every day until he was better. So we set up a plan: he was going to call me every night when he got home, and I'd pray over the phone. We did this once, and his son was totally better! Thank You, Jesus!

Then, earlier this week, one of our driver's told me that his wrist and his back hurt. When he dropped me off, I commanded the pain to go in his wrist, and then God grew his leg out. He was totally healed.

Jesus is amazing!

Unfortunately, the rest of this week has been a struggle. Most of the sick or injured people I've seen have been at work (I did pray for one person, but did not see results :/ ). I work in a corporate setting, and I'm sure that some of you know how difficult it can be to pray for your coworkers. Regardless of that, this fear of man thing has to die. Jesus is my Master all the time, and there's no off button in the Jesus-life.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Matt 6:33

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